Top 5 YouTube Channels to Get Motivated When Improving Habits
YouTube can often be a huge time sink. You start out searching for a how-to video and 10 minutes later you’re watching a pet crab eating an onion ring. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
Most people just try to avoid it as much as possible. But, this doesn’t have to be the case. If you make sure to spend a limited amount of time on it and curate your experience to be a productive one, then it could actually be beneficial.
Just try to wrap your head around this figure: 500 hours of content is uploaded every 60 seconds. There’s some amazing, amazing stuff on YouTube. But the problem is, it’s hard to get to it through all the noise.
So, here’s five underrated channels that you can go to every time you need a quick dose of motivation:
1. Kelly Inspiration
This is one of my most favorite channels on YouTube right now.
Chances are, you’ve already seen his “How to control your anger” video, which went viral and reached 300K views back in 2019.
He uses simple analogies to explain powerful concepts. For example, in his most recent video, he used the analogy of using different keys to open a door as a way of explaining the power of persistence.
2. Thomas Frank
I’ll just let Thomas describe himself here:
“I make videos that help you be more productive — whether you’re in high school, college, university, or the real world. That includes study tips to help you learn faster and ace your exams, advice on destroying procrastination, reading and note-taking strategies, and more. You can’t prove that I don’t fight bears in my spare time.”
3. Film Courage
I know this might come off as an irrelevant pick, but in my opinion Film Courage is a highly useful channel for pretty much anybody who’s in a creative field of any kind. They share stories, experiences, and wisdom from the world of film and television.
They have many great videos about creative expression, handling rejection, overcoming procrastination, and prioritizing your goals.
4. Sean Dollwet
Sean is a 26-year-old entrepreneur and investor. In his own words, “I created this channel to share what I learned from years of online marketing/business successes and failures so that you don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made, being $40,000 in debt, getting scammed for tens of thousands of dollars, and wasting so much time chasing the next shiny object.”
Being a writer myself, his latest video about how he became a millionaire through KDP publishing is by far one of the most helpful and motivational videos I’ve ever seen.
5. Noah Kagan
Noah is the founder of AppSumo. Before that he was employee #4 at Mint, and before that he was employee #30 at Facebook, reporting directly to Mark Zuckerberg and helping build the Ads platform.
His videos are mostly dedicated to entrepreneurs, and cover topics like, “how to start a business, grow a business, improve your marketing, and more.” This includes videos about everything from how a chef makes $12M a year on YouTube to how to train your mind to learn anything faster.
Which YouTube channel do you visit when you need a healthy dose of motivation? Let me know in the comments!